


HTML或超文本标记语言以及CSS(级联样式表)和JavaScript可用于开发可执行某些功能的交互式用户应用程序。同样, 可以完全使用HTML, CSS和JS开发二进制计算器。二进制计算器对二进制数执行算术运算。二进制计算器的缓冲区限制为8位。如果算术运算的结果超过8位, 则多余的位将被截断。算术运算是使用JavaScript函数完成的。该应用程序包括一个显示屏, 在该显示屏上可以显示用户输入以及算术运算的结果。两个按钮0和1用于输入。 +, –, *, /和Calculate按钮用于对输入执行算术运算。 Calculate按钮与JavaScript函数calculate()绑定。单击”计算”按钮时, 将触发compute()函数, 并解析”输出”部分中的HTML。第一个数字和第二个数字是通过拆分字符串获得的, 最后, 它们使用parseInt()转换为整数。方法parseInt()接受两个参数, 第一个参数是要转换为整数的字符串, 第二个参数是基值, 在这种情况下为2或二进制。根据用户选择的加, 减, 乘或除运算符执行算术运算。 input()函数接收来自用户的输入, 并将其显示在屏幕上。 backspace()函数删除显示的字符串的最后一个字符。 cls()函数可清除显示屏。以下代码段实现了二进制计算器。

例子:用户提供输入后, 输入将保留在HTML格式的”输出”部分中。声明了一个全局变量scr, 所有JavaScript函数都可以访问它。给定任何输入后, 它将存储在scr变量中。单击”计算”按钮时, 使用indexOf()方法搜索存储在scr变量中的字符串是否存在运算符, 如果找到则返回运算符的索引, 否则返回-1。如果存在运算符, 则存储在scr变量中的字符串将在运算符(+, -, *, /)处拆分, 并将字符串存储到num数组中。由于输入为字符串格式, 因此必须将其转换为二进制整数格式才能执行计算。使用parseint(str, base)方法解析字符串, 其中str是要转换的字符串, 而base是数字的底数(此处二进制base = 2)。二进制转换后, 将执行指定的算术运算, 并将结果再次存储在scr变量中并显示在”输出”部分中。



<!DOCTYPE html>
         <meta charset = "utf-8" />
         <title>Binary Calculator</title>
         <!--Bootstrap 4 CSS CDN -->
         <link rel = "stylesheet" 
               href =
               integrity =
               crossorigin = "anonymous" />
         <div class = "container">
             <div class = "jumbotron">
                 <h1>Binary Calculator</h1>
                 <div id = "output"></div>
                 <div class = "container mt-2">
                     <div class = "row">
                         <div class = "col-12">
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-light" 
                                     onclick = "input('0')">
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-light" 
                                     onclick = "input('1')">
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-danger float-right ml-2" 
                                     onclick = "cls()">
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-warning float-right" 
                                     onclick = "backspace()">
                     <div class = "row mt-2">
                         <div class = "col-12">
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-info" 
                                     onclick = "input('+')">+</button>
                             <button type = "button"
                                     class = "btn btn-info" 
                                     onclick = "input('-')">-</button>
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-info" 
                                     onclick = "input('*')">*</button>
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-info" 
                                     onclick = "input('/')">/</button>
                     <div class = "row mt-2">
                         <div class = "col-12">
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-success" 
                                     onclick = "calculate()">Calculate</button>
         <!--jquery and popper.js cdn -->
         <script src =
                 integrity =
                 crossorigin = "anonymous"></script>
         <script src =
                 integrity =
                 crossorigin = "anonymous"></script>



<style type = "text/css">
       width : 60%;
       margin : auto;
       text-align: center;
       border: 2px solid black;
       min-height: 60px;
       text-align: right;
       font-weight: bold;
       font-size: 20px;
       min-width: 120px;
       border: 2px solid black;



<script type= "text/javascript">
     var scr = "" ; //declared as global v
     function calculate() {
         if (scr.indexOf( "+" ) != -1) {
             //If + is present in the string
             //String obtained from scr is split
             var num = scr.split( "+" ); 
             //The splitted string stores in num array
             var x = parseInt(num[0], 2); 
             //The num[0] and num[1] are the two binary 
             //numbers resp
             var y = parseInt(num[1], 2); 
             var sum = x + y;
             var ans = sum.toString(2);
         } else if (scr.indexOf( "-" ) != -1) {
             //If - is present in the string
             var num = scr.split( "-" );
             var x = parseInt(num[0], 2);
             var y = parseInt(num[1], 2);
             var sub = x - y;
             var ans = sub.toString(2);
         } else if (scr.indexOf( "*" ) != -1) {
             //If * is present in the string
             var num = scr.split( "*" );
             var x = parseInt(num[0], 2);
             var y = parseInt(num[1], 2);
             var mul = x * y;
             var ans = mul.toString(2);
         } else if (scr.indexOf( "/" ) != -1) {
             //If /is present in the string
             var num = scr.split( "/" );
             var x = parseInt(num[0], 2);
             var y = parseInt(num[1], 2);
             var div = x /y;
             var ans = div.toString(2);
         scr = ans;
         document.getElementById( "output" ).innerHTML = scr;
     function input(ch) {
         scr += ch;
         document.getElementById( "output" ).innerHTML = scr;
     function backspace() {
         var b = document.getElementById( "output" ).innerHTML;
         scr = b.substring(0, b.length - 1);
         document.getElementById( "output" ).innerHTML = scr;
     function cls() {
         scr = "" ;
         document.getElementById( "output" ).innerHTML = scr;



<!DOCTYPE html>
         <meta charset = "utf-8" />
         <title>Binary Calculator</title>
         <!--Bootstrap 4 CSS CDN -->
         <link rel = "stylesheet" 
               href =
               integrity =
               crossorigin = "anonymous" />
         <style type = "text/css">
             .jumbotron {
                 width: 60%;
                 margin: auto;
                 text-align: center;
             #output {
                 border: 2px solid black;
                 min-height: 60px;
                 text-align: right;
                 font-weight: bold;
                 font-size: 20px;
             .btn {
                 min-width: 120px;
                 border: 2px solid black;
         <div class = "container">
             <div class = "jumbotron">
                 <h1>Binary Calculator</h1>
                 <div id = "output"></div>
                 <div class = "container mt-2">
                     <div class = "row">
                         <div class = "col-12">
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-light" 
                                     onclick = "input('0')">0</button>
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-light" 
                                     onclick = "input('1')">1</button>
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-danger float-right ml-2" 
                                     onclick = "cls()">AC</button>
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-warning float-right" 
                                     onclick = "backspace()">Backspace</button>
                     <div class = "row mt-2">
                         <div class = "col-12">
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-info" 
                                     onclick = "input('+')">+</button>
                             <button type = "button"
                                     class = "btn btn-info" 
                                     onclick = "input('-')">-</button>
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-info" 
                                     onclick = "input('*')">*</button>
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-info" 
                                     onclick = "input('/')">/</button>
                     <div class = "row mt-2">
                         <div class = "col-12">
                             <button type = "button" 
                                     class = "btn btn-success" 
                                     onclick = "calculate()">Calculate</button>
         <script type = "text/javascript">
             var scr = ""; //declared as global variable
             function calculate() {
                 if (scr.indexOf("+") != -1) {
                     //If + is present in the string
                     //String obtained from scr is split
                     var num = scr.split("+"); 
                     //The splitted string stores in num array
                     var x = parseInt(num[0], 2); 
                     //The num[0] and num[1] are the two binary 
                     //numbers resp
                     var y = parseInt(num[1], 2); 
                     var sum = x + y;
                     var ans = sum.toString(2);
                 } else if (scr.indexOf("-") != -1) {
                     //If - is present in the string
                     var num = scr.split("-");
                     var x = parseInt(num[0], 2);
                     var y = parseInt(num[1], 2);
                     var sub = x - y;
                     var ans = sub.toString(2);
                 } else if (scr.indexOf("*") != -1) {
                     //If * is present in the string
                     var num = scr.split("*");
                     var x = parseInt(num[0], 2);
                     var y = parseInt(num[1], 2);
                     var mul = x * y;
                     var ans = mul.toString(2);
                 } else if (scr.indexOf("/") != -1) {
                     //If /is present in the string
                     var num = scr.split("/");
                     var x = parseInt(num[0], 2);
                     var y = parseInt(num[1], 2);
                     var div = x /y;
                     var ans = div.toString(2);
                 scr = ans;
                 document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = scr;
             function input(ch) {
                 scr += ch;
                 document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = scr;
             function backspace() {
                 var b = document.getElementById("output").innerHTML;
                 scr = b.substring(0, b.length - 1);
                 document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = scr;
             function cls() {
                 scr = "";
                 document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = scr;
         <!--jquery and popper.js cdn -->
         <script src =
                 integrity =
                 crossorigin = "anonymous"></script>
         <script src =
                 integrity =
                 crossorigin = "anonymous"></script>



未经允许不得转载:srcmini » 如何使用HTML,CSS和JavaScript创建二进制计算器?

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