
8 programmer-specific software/websites, all of which are artifacts, the first one is the most surprising …

8 programmer-specific software / websites, all of which are artifacts, the first one is the most surprising ...1

There are two ways to save time. One is to give up doing something and do other things simultaneously while doing something. The other is to improve the efficiency of doing something and do something faster. The time it takes to find more efficient and easy-to-use tools is comparable to the time these tools will save you.

Today I recommend several gadgets / websites dedicated to programmers, hoping to improve your work efficiency and mood. So, it’s enough!

8. iTerm 2 & Oh My Zsh / Hyper

As the ancients say, programmers who do not use terminals are not good hackers. Programmers who can use the terminal exude a mysterious taste of code. Zsh plus iTerm can create a very powerful terminal. Whether you are using bash or another terminal, switching to Zsh will be “although you will encounter many problems in the process, but everything is worth it”.

8 programmer-specific software / websites, all of which are artifacts, the first one is the most surprising ...2

Life is endless, and there is more tossing. But if you are too lazy to toss, then there is a very unpopular but very cool spare tire recommended to everyone, this terminal is called Hyper, their official website is here: https://hyper.is, you will definitely shine of.

7. unDraw

Hey, front-end friends, yo, UI friends, ya, design friends, look over here! If you think Alibaba icon library iconfont is already very powerful, then this unDraw will definitely be able to push your design work to a new height. iconfont provides small icons, unDraw provides large icons, graphics, characters, is also an open source vector icon library. The usage is like iconfont, search for the vector graphics you want, modify the colors at will, etc.

8 programmer-specific software / websites, all of which are artifacts, the first one is the most surprising ...3

The most worth mentioning is that the styles of these vector graphics are relatively uniform. Doing some simple Banners no longer requires drawing, no need to ask for people. https://undraw.co/

6. Experimental Building

It is shameless to advertise your own house; it is unfaithful not to advertise your own house; it is unjust to not recommend many good things in the laboratory building. So I had to be a shameless person, not an unfaithful person: 80 Python hands-on projects / 25 C ++ hands-on projects / 20 Java hands-on projects / 40 big data hands-on projects … etc. and many more. Such a good resource cannot be hidden, and the tutorials in the experiment building are all online Linux environment, you can practice by clicking on the webpage. There are so many good things waiting for you to discover!

8 programmer-specific software / websites, all of which are artifacts, the first one is the most surprising ...4

5. The Silver Searcher

Blade Runner Code Search Artifact! If you want to find a specific paragraph in thousands of lines of code and modify it, Silver Searcher is definitely the best choice. As the official documentation describes, “Code search tools like ACK are just faster.” Ag, you deserve it!

8 programmer-specific software / websites, all of which are artifacts, the first one is the most surprising ...5

4. Monit

Artifact! Terrible life! help! Monit is an extremely powerful process, file, device, system monitoring software for Linux / Unix systems. Mainly small, it can automatically repair stopped processes, and it is open source software. Installation is also very easy. You can also set commands such as e-mail alarm, restart, and so on, anyway. https://mmonit.com/monit/#

8 programmer-specific software / websites, all of which are artifacts, the first one is the most surprising ...6

3. WOX

Another magical little software with more than 10, 000 stars on Github. The fast search box under Window can search applications, files, web pages, etc. at a rapid speed. There are also a variety of powerful plug-in installations, and the skin also supports customization, which is simply no more beautiful. Ah really fragrant http://www.wox.one

8 programmer-specific software / websites, all of which are artifacts, the first one is the most surprising ...7
8 programmer-specific software / websites, all of which are artifacts, the first one is the most surprising ...8

2. Mark Text

Friends, you must have never seen a girl who shines? I do not have either. However, there is a glowing Markdown editor here. Where is there no grass on the horizon, why do you love Mark Text alone? Most Markdown editors are in the form of left and right columns, one is not beautiful enough, and the other is not immersive. Mark Text is a markdown editor built on electron and vue frameworks, supports real-time preview, and truly achieves what you see is what you get. High value and full function, I’m Loving it. Https://github.com/marktext/marktext/

8 programmer-specific software / websites, all of which are artifacts, the first one is the most surprising ...9

1. musicforprogramming

This will be the most geek, most compelling and chic music website you have ever seen; at the same time the song list inside will also be the most comfortable, intimate and appetizing programmer-specific music you have ever heard. Yes, the name of this website is “Music for Programming”. It’s all a far-reaching backswing. New Age and the like will definitely make your ears pregnant. But there is a premise that you must listen when writing code, and don’t focus on the sound. When you concentrate on listening to the song, the song disappears; but when you forget that you are playing these songs, the song will appear. https://musicforprogramming.net/

8 programmer-specific software / websites, all of which are artifacts, the first one is the most surprising ...10

This website, everyone knows just fine, I hope not to spread it everywhere. Because there are too many people visiting, the website may hang.

Finally, do you know any tools & websites dedicated to programmers? But I shared everything at the bottom of the press box. The site that listens to music was originally reluctant to share …

8 programmer-specific software / websites, all of which are artifacts, the first one is the most surprising ...11
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