
Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?1

Today, learning how to program is no longer a full-time job for IT professionals and software engineers. With the vast majority of companies migrating their businesses online, it is particularly important how to accurately present what website visitors want to see and how to interact with the content of the website.

It can be seen that understanding how to write programs is a very important skill that needs to be learned and directly affects the career development of individuals.

It can be said that if you can bring value to online services, then you will have a positive and measurable impact on any business.

Where can I learn online programming? In fact, we have many different types of learning methods, including: various pre-made learning paths, as well as taking individual customized courses.

Here, for you who are looking for programming learning resources, I have listed 25 best websites for your reference and selection.

1. Codecademy (https://www.codecademy.com/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?2

Codecademy is committed to providing the best learning experience and creating the best programming learning website. Codecademy considers that programming should not be the kind of public school education model considered by traditional thinking, but should find an online classroom model to control the effect of education.

Codecademy’s educational model is to provide a fascinating educational experience for users throughout the world.

Today, more than 24 million students are using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, jQuery, Ruby, and Python courses provided by Codecademy to learn how to write their own code.

Moreover, the site has more than 300 hours of free online content, providing learning services to millions of users around the world.

These users may vary in programming skills and computer knowledge, but they can always get the knowledge they want here.

2.Udemy (https://www.udemy.com/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?3

The online learning platform was established in 2010 as a way to improve personal learning and work skills.

On the website, it has a small selection of free programming courses with videos, and of course there are some complete courses for sale.

It is a global online education and learning platform. Expert instructors from their respective fields provide a library of more than 45, 000 courses to help students master new skills and achieve their goals.

There are a large number of programming courses on the site ranging from free to over $ 200. At the same time, the website has prepared enough free courses for zero-based visitors who do not know what they like or want to learn.

The students not only can see the courses rated by the system as five stars, they can also see the comments of other students.

3.EdX (https://www.edx.org/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?4

This is a non-profit, open source, excellent online learning platform. It was founded in 2012 by Harvard and MIT, where you can learn the latest cutting-edge theories and technologies.

EdX has more than 90 partners worldwide, including some of the world’s leading non-profit organizations, universities and institutions. Website members can choose courses from 60 institutions.

Because EdX is founded and managed by various universities, its courses are mainly concentrated in engineering, computer science, language, writing, marketing, biology and other fields.

Open EdX offers a variety of free courses. Different technical experts and educators can build tools for the platform, add new features, and create breakthrough solutions that will benefit students worldwide.

4. Coursera (https://www.coursera.org/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?5

Since its establishment in 2012, Coursera has grown into a large, non-profit educational technology company that offers more than 1, 000 courses from 119 institutions.

Some of these are free entry-level courses from Vanderbilt University, University of Toronto, Stanford University, and University of Washington. Of course, some more advanced courses are still charged.

Course languages ​​include English, Spanish and French, and English, Spanish or Chinese subtitles are generally provided below the course.

Course types include: business, science, and computer science. It can be said that every video lecture is provided by the world’s top educational institutions, community forums, and peer-reviewed works.

Participants will receive an electronic certificate of the course after completing their course. Generally speaking, the course period ranges from 4 to 6 weeks, and the selling price is usually from US $ 29 to US $ 99. They not only have an online mode, but also provide a host for remote access by everyone.

5.Simpliv (https://www.simpliv.com/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?6

Simpliv is an online learning platform based on CA. It aims to extend education to every corner of the world and help those who want to change the status quo through learning. The curriculum of the platform is very broad: from psychology to management, from reiki to financial management.

Students can choose their favorite programming language, such as C ++, Java, JavaScript, Rust, Ruby, PHP, SQL, Swift, TypeScript and Crystal.

At the same time, they can improve their programming skills through self-challenge. By using their own browser and various test cases, they are able to check the progress of their own learning.

Simpliv usually uses innovative, new, and optimized learning methods to help students “sink” what they have learned.

6. FreeCodeCamp (https://www.freecodecamp.com/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?7

The main purpose of Free Code Camp is to teach programming skills to non-profit organizations. At present, the organization has solved 30 million programming problems and donated more than 1.4 million US dollars for development work.

In addition, more than 4, 000 students have found work through the courses offered by Free Code Camp.

The types of courses on the platform include: HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Through the community chat room, students can get real-time help, and they can also see other developers in the same city.

Students can not only learn at their own pace, but also use computers or mobile phones for online learning as needed.

In the learning process, each student needs to combine their identity with their actual application suite.

The teaching methods of the course include: teaching interaction, centralized assignments and tutorial publishing. In addition, it is free for beginners.

7. GitHub (https://github.com/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?8

Programmers often use GitHub as a quick reference point. There are more than 500 free programming books in Git’s managed repositories, covering more than 80 different programming languages. In addition, website collaborators also continue to maintain resource updates and accuracy.

8. Odin project (https://www.theodinproject.com/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?9

This is a free version of Viking Code School (a well-known online programming training camp). According to the learning path set by the Odin project, students can obtain the correct way to learn Web development and programming.

Students build their own profile information in the project, which will help the subsequent learning process and career path.

In the Odin project, students can also easily find like-minded students. Here, students will eventually become a Web developer by learning things such as: Web Development Introduction, Web Development 101, Ruby Programming, HTML5, Ruby Rules, CSS3, jQuery, and JavaScript.

The types of courses offered by the Odin project include: videos, tutorials, blogs, and special courses. They guide students to build their own different projects through various courses.

9. Khan (Khan) Academy (https://www.khanacademy.org/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?10

The website provides various forms of educational practice activities, personalized learning dashboards (progress) displays, and instructional videos.

Millions of students from all over the world can learn the essentials of programming at their own pace. The platform’s resources can be translated into more than 36 languages. In addition, web programming students can use their extended programming education courses and resource web pages.

The mission of the institution is to provide a world-class free education platform that is open to anyone and anyone.

Students can browse all of them, or they can find their favorite resources by categories such as videos, articles, programs, and exercises.

In addition, the college has both beginner courses for newcomers and courses for professionals who want to improve their programming skills.

10. MIT (MIT) Open Course (https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?11

The characteristic of the MIT Open Course is that no one needs to apply, as long as there is a computer, they can access their courses. They set up online libraries based on different themes, and visitors do not need any accounts to log in.

They can browse all available courses and even evaluate the search results and filter them based on features such as lecture notes, video, audio, and online textbooks.

At the same time, the MIT Open Course can also help teachers improve their courses and allow students to find advanced value-added resources.

In general, students can choose the programming courses they want to learn for free, and they can complete them at their own pace.

11.UdaCity (https://www.udacity.com/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?12

UdaCity’s mission is to provide affordable, convenient, and efficient skills education to the world. These teaching contents are urgently needed and recognized by today’s industry-leading companies (including Facebook, Google, IBM, and AT & T), and are rarely involved in traditional schools.

A team of mentors, reviewers and coaches will check the level of students to ensure that they are qualified for their target positions.

Students can learn the basic courses of JavaScript for free, but for some in-depth courses, you need to pay.

12.Code Avengers (https://www.codeavengers.com/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?13

The platform provides students with professional, step-by-step guidance through more than 1, 000 popular programming questions, quizzes, and videos.

Students start by learning how to build simple websites and applications, and quickly advance into real application scenarios that can be shown to potential employers.

Currently, the platform has more than one million students from more than 190 countries. They are either achieving their goals, trying to change the world, or starting their own companies.

Therefore, ordinary students can use their 7-day, 5-course limited tutorials for free; their paid unlimited packages include all courses, quizzes, projects, and application channels.

13. David Walsh blog (https://davidwalsh.name/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?14

David Walsh is a 33-year-old web developer and software engineer. He is both a senior software engineer at Mozilla and a technical author of his blog. He also provides speech services for other conferences around the world.

He is good at the MooTools JavaScript framework and can create MooTools plug-ins; he is also the founder of Script & Style and Wynq Web Lab.

He often writes blog posts on JavaScript, AJAX, PHP, WordPress, CSS, and HTML5. Visitors can obtain and learn related articles by searching the keyword tags of their blog posts.

14.Tuts + (https://tutsplus.com/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?15

The platform provides professional-built and over 570 video courses in both free and paid formats. At the same time, Tuts + also publishes e-books and supports users’ search functions.

The type of courses that the site has are not limited to computers. It teaches students the knowledge of developing web applications and mobile devices through thousands of free tutorials.

Tuts + divides beginner tutorials into three categories:

Through Web development, to teach the development language, framework, and all related tools.

By providing materials, students will become experts in WordPress plugins and themes.

Teach mobile development skills that can be used on a variety of platforms, including Android and iOS.

15.srcmini (https://www.srcmini02.com/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?16

srcmini is a sharing center for Web developers, and it can also help designers, developers, entrepreneurs, product managers and programmers.

Visitors can simply enter keywords in their search box to find and browse related articles. The various articles can be sorted either by category or by author.

Of course, visitors can also use their menu bar to search for the programming language they want, including: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, mobile application design, WordPress, and Java.

16.HTML5 Rocks (https://www.html5rocks.com/en/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?17

This website was founded in 2010 and contains all the updated resources and tutorials about HTML5. Because it is open source, developers can use their HTML5 code at will.

Because of its relatively professional curriculum, it is not suitable for entry-level developers. Visitors can browse all tutorials by searching in the site.

The authors of many tutorials come from experts in web development and programming in different fields and in different languages.

17.Hack.pledge () (https://hackpledge.org/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?18

The website is a community of developers helping each other. Tutors and students can continue to exchange information here, thereby converting those times that may be “stuck” into faster writing of better code.

In order to reduce operating costs, it uses Pluralsight (online education website) to automatically associate tutors with students to promote the conversion of learning outcomes. At the same time, as long as the tutor is online, students can get their guidance for free as needed.

18.aGupieWare (http://blog.agupieware.com/2014/05/online-learning-bachelors-level.html)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?19

This is actually an independent application development platform used to investigate the top institutions in the United States. MIT, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon University, and Columbia University offer a variety of free courses here.

There are 15 courses on the platform, including: 3 introductory courses, 7 core courses, and 5 elective courses. Although the website does not provide credits, it is indeed a good place for beginners in computer programming and programming.

Its online learning courses are divided according to the learning track of the students, including Python, computer science, agile development, hacking, security testing, and Linux. In addition, there are many articles about the latest computer technology in its blog.

19. Crunchzilla (http://www.crunchzilla.com/)

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The platform consists of four sections: data experts, code experts, code monsters, and game experts. It is a website suitable for learners of all ages to conduct programming experiments, tests, and research.

In general, Code Monster provides the simplest tutorials, suitable for young people aged 9-14. The target population of code experts is 13 years old and above, providing more difficult and deeper topics and more explanations.

Game experts are specially prepared for teenagers and adults who already have some programming experience. It teaches you how to write video games through step-by-step tutorials.

The above-mentioned three sections are mainly based on hands-on and supplemented by explanations through real-time courses. The data expert section focuses on data statistics, can provide statistics related issues, and provide data for new projects.

20. Dash General Assembly (https://dash.generalassemb.ly/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?21

This is a free and fun online course website. Users can simply practice the basic knowledge and projects of Web development it involves in the browser.


Users can not only learn the correct programming method of HTML5, but also learn how to build a beautiful and modern website, and how to design page navigation and content layout.

CSS3 resources will help users create fully functional landing pages, including: stylish navigation bar, multi-column layout, and mobile responsive design.

Users can learn a JavaScript to create a dynamic interface to manage user events and add animation effects for user interaction.

Dash General Assembly provides students with programming skills and training that are popular in the workplace for free in the future.

21.Code School (https://www.codeschool.com/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?22

This is an interactive learning platform for experienced developers. It includes more than 1 million students in about 237 countries. The courses on this platform are categorized according to the type of technology.

Through the search, students can choose HTML / CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Elixir, PHP, .NET, Python, iOS, Git, SQL courses, and some elective courses.

Students can learn high-quality video courses from experienced instructors, and can answer various programming questions through the browser and obtain timely feedback. A variety of questions and answers about programming will be run in the browser, so students can get instant feedback.

As an incentive, students will get points for each course by answering questions, and accumulate at the end to get a graduation badge.

Once the registration is completed, users will have 69 courses and 253 video courseware, of course, you can also cancel your account at any time. Participants generally need to pay $ 29 per month, or a one-time annual fee of $ 228.

22. Treehouse Tree House (https://teamtreehouse.com/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?23

Participants of the website will be able to learn more than a thousand programming videos from experts in website construction, and their video library is constantly being updated.

After completing the study, students can take quizzes and interactive code questions and answers on the platform. After the completion of the overall course and quiz, students will be given badges to show that they have acquired the appropriate skills for the hiring company to check and verify on this website.

The usage mode of the website is: free trial first, and then users can choose a basic package of $ 25 per month or a professional package of $ 49 per month.

Today, hundreds of community organizations, schools, and enterprises all benefit from the development value brought by the platform.

23. Infinite Skills by Udemy (https://www.udemy.com/user/infiniteskills/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?24

The company provides a constantly updated eLearning solution through high-quality teaching videos, hands-on exercises, practical experience and comprehensive reference documents.

Each of its courses is carefully made by experienced instructors and experts, focusing on the “real combat” scene in the business environment.

At present, it has more than 689, 000 students, 331 courses, and 38098 comments. Course prices range from free to hundreds of dollars, and at the same time it prepares sufficient free courses and learning roadmaps for beginners.

24.Lynda (https://www.lynda.com/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?25

This is a website of skills across various fields of technology, business, and creativity brought by various industry leaders on LinkedIn.

At present, the number of courses has reached 5, 877, of which there are more than 600 in software development; more than 700 in Web development. With a free trial, users can access and read the resources they choose without restrictions.

Users can learn anytime and anywhere, and can switch between computers, mobile devices and tablets. The platform can provide pre-made courses for students with specific career development needs.

After a free trial, users can choose between a basic package of $ 29.99 per month or an advanced package with unlimited access to all courses.

25. CodeHS (https://codehs.com/)

Developers must see: 25 best programming sites, how many do you know?26

The website covers many aspects of computer science, and pays more attention to creating a teaching classroom model.

Its features include: Web-based courses, administrators ’perspectives, teachers’ tool sets, and professional development teams.

It uses a step-by-step curriculum model to help students develop problem-solving and logical thinking skills in best practice.

As teachers, they have the right to customize the syllabus, lesson plans, exercises, and adjust the grade according to the needs of students.

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